

Please contact us to fix an appointment or for any further questions

Before you call, please have readily available:

  • The name of your referring physician or primary care physician
  • A brief description of your symptoms
  • A brief listing of diagnostic tests you have already had for this condition, and the dates on which they were performed.

Prior to your visit to our office:
  • You will be asked to provide some information on your medical history when you arrive at our office.
  • Please bring with you all current radiological films and, if available, written radiologists’ reports of MRIs, CAT scans, and X-rays.
  • Please also bring with you your insurance card and photo ID .
  • If possible, please bring any relevant medical records from previous physicians or therapists. Finally, don't forget to provide a list of medications you are currently taking.
  • Adress

    Avenue de Savoie 10
    1003 Lausanne

  • Phone

    0041 21 312 49 59

  • Fax

    0041 21 312 49 58